
A message from Joe Horstmeier

It has been far too long, and I hope everyone is safely enjoying this unprecedented summer. I would like to fill everyone in on what Lakeshore Productions has been working on since the summer is unfortunately not filled with you graciously spilling your talents all over the Random Lake community auditorium.

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A message from Tom Berger

Hello, all; I hope you’re getting through these challenging times with a modicum of sanity. It goes without saying that I wish I was connecting with you in person whilst we put together The Wizard of Oz this summer for LPI’s 25th anniversary. We appreciate your patience as we, like most theatrical organizations, worked through what the Covid-19 pandemic means for us and the future of LPI.

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2020 Summer Virtual Showcase

LPI participants and supporters of the past 24 years…get out those smart phones and digital recording devices! Performers/musicians/dancers, pick a song from one of our past 24 shows, record a video, make it into a YouTube video, and share the link with us (multiple submissions welcome)! We will then share your video on our website and Facebook! This includes both vocal and instrumental performances. We cannot wait to see all of you talented performers in our LPI Virtual Showcase!

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25 Year Participant - Joe Horstmeier

The third 25 year member we would like to introduce to you is, Joe Horstmeier.  Whether it has been on stage as a performer, behind the scenes on stage crew, on the directing staff, or being a volunteer, Joe has been humbled to be a part of LPI for the past 25 years.  Read more about Joe and his wonderful memories from the past years with LPI below.

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25 Year Participant - Rita Horstmeier

The second 25 year member we would like to introduce to you is Rita Horstmeier.  Rita and her entire family has been involved with LPI in some capacity since the beginning.  Her four children, Joe, Nic, Jake, and Alexia have been involved onstage and backstage, and Rita's husband Jeff has done his fair share of volunteer work building sets for LPI throughout the years.  Rita is now the head of ticket sales for LPI and has been for the past 17 years!

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25 Year Participant - Ed Ritger

In honor of our 25th Anniversary year, we are going to share with you, four people that have been members of LPI for the past 25 years.  Keep an eye out over the next few months as we share their memories and stories of the past 25 years.  Our first 25 year member we would like to introduce to you is, Ed Ritger.  Ed is the only 25 year member that has never been onstage.  Ed is the father of Andy Ritger, one of the founders of Lakeshore Productions.  Ed has been a "behind the scenes" asset to LPI throughout the years.  Read more about Ed below as he reflects back on the last 25 years of LPI.

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Tom Berger Announced as Director of 25th Anniversary Show

We are pleased to introduce Tom Berger as our director for our 25th Anniversary show! Tom already has amazing ideas of how to bring the classic story of The Wizard of Oz to life on the Random Lake stage. Read more about Tom below!

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The Wizard of Oz Selected for 25th Anniversary Production

All of us at LPI are thrilled to formally announce our show for our 25th anniversary show for the summer of 2020! We hope you all join us down the yellow brick road this summer for, The Wizard of Oz!

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LPI Welcomes New Board President

LPI is thrilled to welcome Joe Horstmeier as the new board president.  Joe has been involved with LPI since day one, as he was a munchkin in Lakeshore’s first production, The Wizard of Oz in 1996.  Since then, Joe has been involved with LPI onstage, backstage, on the directing staff, and as a volunteer.  Joe is very honored to be chosen to help lead LPI in the years to come as well as to introduce community theater, and all it has to offer, to the next generation. View the full board of directors here.

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Living Nativity 2019 - A Look Back

We at LPI would like to thank everyone for making our 5th year of presenting the Living Nativity a success.  It truly takes a village to make the story of the true meaning of Christmas come to life each year.  

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